the beginning

hi, and welcome to my first ever official host of a new brand of cancer on this forsaken corner of the internet.

if youve somehow stumble upon  this page youre probably erratically making your way to hit that back button asap just about now.

but if youre still reading, what the fuck are you doing here?

very well then i guess youre bored as much as i am at this very moment. listen me rant then.

this has got to be one of the most popular grief being a malaysian ever.. why is our local made drama and movies is all about the same shit since time immemorial?

malaysian tv shows can be dissected into 1 part. but being generous i give you 3. god it doesnt feel right ranting this in ingrish:

1: the date

2: dato’,datin, uber successful real estate and other vague business

3: Sharnaaz Ahmad bald head

thats it people, almost 50 years in the business and this all we got to show to our kids. i think half of our craft dies when p.ramlee drew his last breath.

instead of making this post an utter cesspool of diss that never helped anyone with anything.. i guess ill make a checklist of what not to do in a flick that our local numbnuts keep getting it not right.

unrelatable character

who are these husk of a character who talks and shit unlike any real human being on planet earth. why does evil character has to be comically evil for no real reason, heck even jeoffrey in game of thrones is justifiable to a degree. unless the plot doesnt include lazor sword and actually trying to immitate real life

dialogue that doesnt oozes out off Haslam’s high fantasy universe

ok, this has been a lot better for some good yrs now. but still shitty tho. no one ever talks like any of those tv3 5pm drama. its like whoever wrote that shit never talk to a real person ever.

dumass plot

if u havent notice, im pretty sure we have world class plot that could make any telegu director cringe out of their ass. at least when them indians did it they all knew it wasnt serious.

hollywood culture tryhards

this has got to be my all time favourite cringe in any malay made flicks. most of the scene you see in malay flicks feels sooo out of touch, its most probably because the directors usually were heavily inspired by b class hollywood movie. its bad enough that the plot naturally sux by itself, now combine that with a director that heavily inspired by american pie and the likes. and thats when you get a piece of cow diarrhea like ali setan remake and all haslam’s family flicks.

theres more.. alot more im just tired writing about em atm. brb.






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